EPS Pro 3: Cartoon Stock
epsPRO 3 Cartoon Stock (Wayzata Technology) (1281) (1994).iso
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INI File
163 lines
; Copyright (c) 1990, 1991 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Wayzata Technology Inc.
; Dave Jackson, Project Manager
; Put global information about the application here.
"CAPTIONNAME","EpsPRO 3 Preview Install"
; Put information about the installation disks here.
; Format:
; "n","path","name"
; n : The disk number, 0-9, A-Z. MUST BE ONE CHARACTER!
; path : The path of the disk, i.e. "A:\"
; name : The name on the printed disk label on the outside of the disk
; for example "Solitare Distribution Disk #1"
"0","A:\","Solitare Distribution Disk #1"
"1","A:\","Solitare Distribution Disk #2"
; Describe the directories that will receive the files here.
; There are two types of directories: parent and children. Child
; directories are subdirectories of the parent or of other children.
; Only one parent is allowed. Define as many children as required.
; Format:
; "n","path","description"
; n : The directory number. The parent must be directory 0 and
; must be defined. Child directories are named beginning
; with A and must be named sequentially.
; path : The name of the subdirectory. The names of child directories
; must begin with a backslash (\).
; description : The description of the purpose of this directory
"0","C:\WINDOWS","WFB Directory"
"A","\CHILD1","WTI Directory Child 1"
"B","\CHILD2","WTI Directory Child 2"
; Put information about each file here.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; NOTE: There are two types of setup: Simple and Complex.
; Simple: Installs ALL files, like a batch file. For this
; setup, do not worry about "D" flags, "R" flags,
; or the <nn> flag.
; Complex: Presents the user with a dialog box listing the
; files in the distribution. The user can choose the
; files to install. In the complex setup, all flags
; must be specified.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Format:
; "n","flags","d","idir","filename","PName", "Description","Comment","size"
; n : The disk number for this file
; flags : Can be none, one, or many of the following:
; C : Compressed file. Specify the "real" filename here
; in the INF file. SETUP will search the floppy disk
; for a file having the same name except that the last
; character of the file extention is changed to '$'
; R : Required file--SETUP **will** copy this file
; D : Display this file in the user selection list box
; Ic : Add this program to Program Mananager, group "c."
; Group is a letter from A-Z
; nn : The next "nn" entries create a group of files to
; copy. For example, if there are four files that
; are copied as a package, put 03 in the nn field
; and put the other three files immediately following.
; Set the size field for the first file to the sum
; of the sizes of all the fields in the group.
; d : The destination directory. 0 = Parent, 1-9, A-Z = Children
; idir : The directory on the install disk
; filename : The actual name of the file
; PName : The name of the icon in Program Manager (required if D flag)
; Description: A short description, for the list box entry (only if D flag)
; Comment : The lengthy text displayed in the comment box (only if D flag)
; size : Size of file/group in kilobytes (only if D flag)
"0","02DIA","0","TEXT","Read_Me.WRI","Read Me","Read Me","EpsPRO 3","60"
"0","02DIA","0","TEXT","Register.WRI","Register","Register","EpsPRO 3","60"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Aladdin's World","Aladdin Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Aladdin.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Animals","Animals Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Animals.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","At the Office","At the Office Preview","EPSPRO3","70","At_Ofice.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Believe it or Not","Believe Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Believe.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Borders and Shapes","Borders Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Borders.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Borders-Tall","Border_T Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Border_T.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Borders-Wide","Border_W Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Border_W.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","By the Sea","By_Sea Preview","EPSPRO3","70","By_Sea.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Construction and Repairs","Construction Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Construc.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","The Dark Side","Dark side Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Dark_sid.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Entertainment","Entertainment Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Entertai.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Family Snapshots","Family Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Family.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Farm Yard","Farm Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Farm.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Food and Fixings","Food Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Food.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Getting There","Get_ther Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Get_ther.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","From the Heart","Heart Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Heart.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Home Front","Home Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Home.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Its a living","Its a Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Its_A_LI.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","People","People Preview","EPSPRO3","70","People.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Lets get Physical","Physical Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Physical.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Playing Around","Playing Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Playing.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Political Agenda","Political Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Politica.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Say ah","Say ah Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Say_Ah.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","School","School Preview","EPSPRO3","70","School.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","The Wild Side","Wild_side Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Wild_sid.MOV"
"0","02DIA","0","BIN","PLAYER.EXE","Winter Connections","Winter Preview","EPSPRO3","70","Winter.MOV"
; This defines the Program Manager groups to which the icons will be
; added.
; Format:
; "n","Title","filename"
; n : The identifier for the group, A-Z
; title : The caption on the group window
; filename : The name of the GRP file
"A","EpsPro 3","EpsPRO_3.GRP"